Some thoughts around creating a review streams.
Ads are main contributor to the revenue streams, especially for social media platforms. While I’m confident it is in Phavers long term roadmap, let’s start with small n low hanging fruits. The money can be used to fund some small initiatives or fund a development or a campaign.
I’m not sure if these are aligned to Phavers vision or mission, leaving to the Pros to decide
  1. Ads can be introduced as n alternative to spending Phaver Points eg posting into a premium communities, that enables those who are low in points shall still participate in those premium communities (like below screen).
  2. A product promoter might willing to PAY to reach out specific targeted audience and post / promote their product into specific communities eg, Pudgy penguins or BAYC holders.
There are lot more possibilities that we could look for that might take some pressure off from the $ came thru the seeding rounds.